Your Make NOISE Guide: June 2024

June’s Theme: MAKING WAVES

FOCUS: Tour to Summer

WHAT: We’re halfway through our 10th annual Tour To Summer and we’ve seen Tour Crew make some serious WAVES on socials, so here’s an extra special assignment! On June 16th, we will be posting a “Pass the Ripstix” video and we want Tour Crew’s help to get started. Film your own “Pass the Ripstix” clip, submit it by emailing to our Brand Manager, [email protected] and we’ll include your clip in POUND’s post for that day. If you submit a clip, we’ll also include that as one of your posts for the month. 😉 before filming, please include the following in your video:

  • Ripstix (of course!)
  • Please film in PORTRAIT mode or reels dimensions (1080×1920)
  • Make sure you catch from the RIGHT and pass to the LEFT
  • Include a tropical element to go with the MAKE WAVES theme (i.e. wearing floaters, beach shorts, sunglasses etc.) get creative!
  • Please make sure your video is no more than 6 seconds long (see inspo for example)

WHEN: Submit your video by June 14th or it will not be included in POUND’s compilation post on the 16th

WHERE x HOW: Email to [email protected]

Content Inspo: Pass the Ripstix Challenge



FOCUS: Pride Month!

WHAT: With June being Pride month and POUND having so many incredible LGBTQ+ Pros in our community, we want to celebrate! We recently released our newest POUND For Pride editable assets. Post one on socials and let us know what makes you an ally! Or if you have a POUND For Pride event coming up, promote it in the caption! Find the new assets here.

WHEN:By June 30th

WHERE x HOW: Instagram post or story, Facebook post

Caption Inspo:

  • As a community, we celebrate the inner rockstar that lives within all of us. No matter who you are, you belong at POUND. 🌈 As an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, I actively support and stand up for equality and inclusion. 🌈


Content Inspo: POUND Post, ICON Melanie Anne post


FOCUS: Pro Jam Jakarta

WHAT: We recently announced Pro Jam Jakarta: an unforgettable day filled with movement, education and FUN happening on July 19th! All Pros from around the world are welcome to attend this once-in-a-lifetime experience. We’d love for Tour Crew to help spread the word! For those that are attending, we have created editable assets for you to post on your own social media pages! If you’re not attending, please feel free to reshare our posts to stories and help get the word out!

WHEN:By June 30th

WHERE x HOW: Instagram post or story, Facebook post

Caption Inspo: 

  • Join me at the ultimate Jam session! I’ll be rocking at Pro Jam Jakarta with ICONs, Tour Crew and Pros from across the globe at this badass event on July 19th!

Content Inspo:  Pro Jam Jakarta Template, Pro Jam Jakarta Story – feel free to share this with the Pros in your community!

**Don’t forget to add the link in your story!**


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