POUND is a cardio jam-session designed to release the rockstar within us all while promoting total-body fitness. Instead of listening to the music, you become the music in this full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movement. Designed for all fitness levels, POUND® provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin’ out! The workout is easily modifiable and the alternative vibe and  welcoming philosophy appeals to men and women of all ages and abilities. 

No matter if you’re brand new to fitness or to POUND, by keeping your strikes off the ground, either temporarily or as a permanent choice, you’ll find variations in the workout’s choreography perfect for YOU. Check out our tiered modifications options within position below!


The POUND workout moves through 4 basic positions – Set, Lunge, Kit and T&A. Set is a basic standing position featuring several variations of the squat. Lunge position is exactly what it sounds like, however in POUND we elongate the back leg of our lunges to stretch through the hip flexor and create dynamic challenges. Kit position is a seated position that focuses on 360 degrees of core work and T&A (stands for thighs and assets) is a supine, glute bridge position.






Ripstix are lightly weighted drumsticks engineered specifically for exercise and for POUND. Ripstix transform the workout, maximizing its efficiency and results. At ¼ lb each (113 grams) and slightly shorter than a standard 5b drumstick, Ripstix are perfectly length and weight to make each move just the right amount of challenging. And this is all not to mention the oh-so-gratifying sound of striking Ripstix together. 


Thanks to what we call the Movement Spectrum, it’s easy to adjust POUNDs choreography simply by increasing or decreasing your range of motion and – in Set and Lunge positions – whether or not you hit your Ripstix to the floor. No need to worry about fancy, overcomplicated modifications…it’s really that simple! Of course, before beginning this or any exercise program, it is strongly recommended that you receive clearance and exercise parameters from your physician. 


The more you put into it, the more you’re going to get out of it.

When you give POUND class 100% of your energy and focus, the results of the workout only multiply! From physical fitness to mood to positive self-esteem, when you SHOW UP your GLOW UP.  Whether it’s your first POUND class or your one-hundredth, where you put our focus in class can make a huge difference!

  • Turn up your strike intensity – everytime you strike, give it your very best effort
  • Expand your movements – work smarter, and in this case, harder too. Big movements make the most of your time spent exercising
  • Enjoy the freedom in having FUN – allow yourself to get lost in the music and the FUN of the workout and be pleasantly surprised when you find yourself pushing harder and rocking longer than you ever thought possible 

Exhale on Exertion

Exhale on exertion (the “hard” parts of each movement) and you might be surprised to find how much more energy, power and strength you had hiding inside you all along. Try this for practice: Inhale as you lower down into a squat, pause at the bottom and then release a powerful exhale as you make your way back to standing (or even jump into the air). What a difference, huh?!

Invite a Friend
When it comes to POUND, there’s strength in numbers – both figuratively and literally! Instead of rocking your workout solo, consider inviting a member of your household to join you or encourage a friend to do the same workout as you at the same time. Not only will this help hold you accountable, it may also inspire you to give your best effort while sharing the energy and mood-boosting benefits of exercise with someone you love. 


If it sounds simple, that’s because it is! Smile the next time you’re in the middle of an intense POUND interval or cardio burst, and everything might suddenly feel easier. Why?  Smiling provides feedback to our brains that releases serotonin and dopamine, mood-boosting chemicals that make us feel awesome…even in the middle of lunges!  

 There’s no mistakes, only drum solos! 

It doesn’t have to be so serious – at least we certainly don’t think so! As long as you’re listening to your body and moving safely, it doesn’t matter if you miss a strike or fall behind the beat. POUND is all about celebrating movement and the incredible bodies behind every strike. Throw “perfect” out the window and join the band!



Start here to watch videos that talk and walk you through everything you need to know to feel confident and prepared to ROCK! View demonstrations of POUND’s four positions, proper Ripstix grip, useful modifications and other great tips! You’ll want to return to this channel whenever you’re looking for a dynamic warm up to start your workout or a guided cool down to bring it to the perfect end.


If you’re looking for the full POUND experience, look no further than the jam session channel. 

Each workout features a little bit of everything, total-body workouts set to strengthen and tone, stretch and flex, elevate your heart rate…and thanks to the rockin’ music and Ripstix, forget the rest!


Feeling like a “leg day?” Or maybe arms? While no POUND workout isolates just one area of the body, Focused Workouts shift each class’ emphasis to a specific area, while still promoting aspects of total-body fitness! 


By alternating periods of high-intensity or maximum effort with periods of active recovery or rest, interval training is viewed as one of the most effective ways of working out. POUND utilizes this training modality in four targeted categories: Bum N Bass, Ab Encore, Tempo Tone and Sweat Solo. 


Fun for any stage and every age, the workouts featured in the Family Friendly channel are designed to help get the crew moving together while having fun and making a lot of noise!


Dive straight in with a 20-minute jam session hand-picked as one of our favorites for just getting started and work your way through the videos that follow or progress through the classes  from left to right and build your way up from 6-minutes, to 10, to 12 to 20


Start here to watch videos that talk and walk you through everything you need to know to feel confident and prepared to ROCK! View demonstrations of POUND’s four positions, proper Ripstix grip, useful modifications and other great tips! You’ll want to return to this channel whenever you’re looking for a dynamic warm up to start your workout or a guided cool down to bring it to the perfect end.


Start here to watch videos that talk and walk you through everything you need to know to feel confident and prepared to ROCK! View demonstrations of POUND’s four positions, proper Ripstix grip, useful modifications and other great tips! You’ll want to return to this channel whenever you’re looking for a dynamic warm up to start your workout or a guided cool down to bring it to the perfect end.


If you’re brand new to POUND, we recommend starting with step 1 and then moving through the steps listed below in chronological order. 

If you’re a POUND-regular, feel free to skip step 1, starting with step 2 or 3. If you’ve got a little extra time, you might find step 1 to be a great refresher though!

  1. POUND 101 – get ready to ROCK as you work your way through the video tutorials covering the basics of everything you need to know to POUND! 

  2. Starter Set List – four classes hand-picked for people new to POUND and/or new to Backstage

  3. Mix It Up! -After you’ve watched the POUND 101 tutorials and worked through the classes featured in the Starter Set List channel, the rest is up to you! Try any mix of the workouts within and across channels that helps you stay motivated and moving! 


Don’t forget to mark your favorite workouts along the way so that you can easily find them again!


Duration: <12-minutes/Day
A weekly example great for anyone looking to work their way up to longer workouts or who’s short on time.

Duration: 20 to 35-minutes/Day
A weekly example that can serve as a great long-term goal you’re sure to see and FEEL the difference!

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