Interested in becoming a POUND Pro but limited on time? Join us for this incredible 9-hour training split over 3 consecutive days and learn everything you need to know to start teaching POUND classes for any age and all abilities! No prerequisites!
This is a virtual training led through a Zoom video conference over 3-days, 3 hours each day. Attendance and participation is verified through your video presence.
- Prepare to SWEAT, SCULPT, and ROCK your way through all things POUND and discover how drumming and exercise combine to create an addictive and inclusive fitness experience like nothing else out there!
- Discover the POUND formula: Ripstix, POUND’s four positions, class Set Lists and choreography
- Learn about the mind, body and inner rockstar benefits that support POUND’s rockout workout
- Break down 6 tracks of choreography and discover POUND’s foundational cueing skills
- Explore POUND’s instructor platform, The Label, an exclusive resource available to licensed POUND Pros
- Gain the skills and confidence required to teach an effective POUND Class
- A downloadable copy of the POUND Pro Training Guide, a set of Ripstix® and the permission to rock!
- A digital certificate of completion + license to teach POUND as an official POUND Pro
- An invitation to join The Label, our online instructor portal that provides POUND Pros with all the tools needed to help build, teach and promote their classes + monthly new choreography releases
CEC’s from the world’s leading accreditations: POUND Education Hours: 8 • ACE: 0.7 • AFAA: 7 • NASM: 0.7 • Canfitpro: 4 • Fitness Australia: 5 • BCRPA: 7
* Participants must successfully complete training in sequential order to receive CEC/CEUs and their license to teach.