Kelly Shepherd

I am an ACE Certified GFI who is focused on supporting and guiding people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities. I strive to create an enriching workout experience, centered on making cardio and strength training challenging and fun. You can expect me to give you more than a workout. You can expect me to be more than an instructor. You can expect me to help you ROCK your fitness goals.

Signed to The Label since:

April 2018


Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Drum solos are totally cool!

Licenses + Continuing Education

  • Pound Pro
  • Generation Pound
  • Pound Unplugged
  • Pound for Schools
  • Level Up
  • Amplify
    Ed Hours

My Classes

POUNDMonday 6:30 pm - 60 minsFine Point Fit (Caledonia Resource Center)9050 Kraft Avenue Southeast, Caledonia, MI 49316, USA
POUNDTuesday 6:30 pm - 60 minsGrandville Public Schools Community Education3843 Prairie St SW, Grandville, MI 49418, USA
POUNDWednesday 6:30 pm - 60 minsFine Point Fit (Caledonia Resource Center)9050 Kraft Avenue Southeast, Caledonia, MI 49316, USA

My Events

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