Jad Abi Ghosn

- Certified in more than 7 fitness formats
- Taught over 5,500 classes
- LESMILLS trainer, PAVIGYM Master Trainer and POUNDfit ICON
- Conducted over 42 trainings in Lebanon, Egypt and Turkey

Signed to The Label since:

May 2018


Beirut, Lebanon
March to the beat of your own drum

Licenses + Continuing Education

  • Pound Pro
  • Pound Unplugged
  • Icon

My Classes

POUNDThursday 5:30 pm - 30 minsFitness Zone ABC AchrafiehFitness Zone ABC Achrafieh ABC Achrafieh, Sassine Beirut, LB
POUNDFriday 6:00 pm - 30 minsFitness Zone - HamraHamra, Beirut, Lebanon

My Events

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