Azure Adler

I started taking Pound classes in late 2019 and quickly found it was my favorite fitness format of all time! Then BOOM- COVID hit in March of 2020. I was thrilled to take a plethora of virtual classes. (my pets and kids did not share in my enthusiasm of turning our living room into a rock concert 😂) I took the Pro Training in the fall of 2020 and my life continues to be better for it.
Peace ✌🏻 Love 💚 & Ripstix

Signed to The Label since:

September 2020
If my plate wasn't full, I would be hungry.

Licenses + Continuing Education

  • Pound Pro
  • Generation Pound
  • Level Up
    Ed Hours

My Classes

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My Events

Pound and Pour @ 9 Mile supporting The Longest Day - In-PersonAugust 4, 202410:00 am11:00 am9555 James Avenue South, Bloomington, MN, USA25
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