A POUND ICON is a master trainer, as well as an ambassador of our brand, our beliefs, and our mission. They travel the world as an extension of POUND to elevate our united beat, one POUND Pro at a time. They are the educators, the rebels, the humble and electric. With different life and career experiences, personalities and uniqueness, they are the true representation of our BRAND. Let them inspire you, let them MOVE you.


Daniela Kamradova is from the Czech Republic, living in a small town near Prague. In 2016 she knew that her true journey would be in sharing her energy with others as a teacher of group fitness classes. POUND was her first fitness format as an instructor (actually, her very first POUND class was at her POUND Pro Training!) but it didn’t matter, because with her first Ripstix strike in the air, she immediately knew that she had finally found it – that magic feeling. She keeps this feeling close to her heart so she can create these experiences for others in her classes, events and trainings. In each training, Daniela has always had at least one participant with the same story as she had – new to fitness industry, new to POUND, new to everything. These participants often introduce themselves shyly, sometimes looking at the ground, and that is always the moment when Daniela stands up and with her proud and loud voice, she tells them that she feels them and sees them, because that was her journey too. She always encourages them to be proud of themselves for stepping out of their comfort zones into something new and to make their strikes even louder in celebration of their brave decision. Positive vibe, loud energy and being heard and seen is something you can be sure that you will always find in Daniela’s classes and trainings. 

What’s your favorite way to make someone feel like a rockstar in class?
Giving this person an extra look, high stix, high five, a hug. Anything what makes them feel seen and welcomed. 

What’s a non-fitness skill that makes you a stronger teacher?
I would say that I have a good empathy for people, so I can recognize easily who needs more time or space, who needs more attention and who is better on their own. 

What’s your all-time favorite track to end POUND class with a bang?
Absolutely Hit The Road Jack by Throttle. Most of the participants know the song, so even the new faces in the class can sing or move to the rhythm easily 

What is your first POUND memory?
My very first POUND memory takes me back to summer 2016. I had been preparing myself for my final college exams and I knew that after my education I wanted to start teaching group fitness exercise. I had been desperately searching for something new and for something special. And there it was, a whole article about POUND class, describing the vibe, movement and energy. There were not a lot of videos of POUND on Youtube yet, but I found one that I fell in love with and I followed Kirsten and her fellow rockstars over and over. I talked about it to my friends and in that moment I knew that I found something special. POUND was the very first fitness format that I taught and I am actually very first POUND Pro in my country!

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