A POUND ICON is a master trainer, as well as an ambassador of our brand, our beliefs, and our mission. They travel the world as an extension of POUND to elevate our united beat, one POUND Pro at a time. They are the educators, the rebels, the humble and electric. With different life and career experiences, personalities and uniqueness, they are the true representation of our BRAND. Let them inspire you, let them MOVE you.


Hailing from Riyadh, KSA, Hussban is a mother to two beautiful little rockstars and a proud blend of Saudi and Egyptian heritage. With a focus on fitness and holistic care, Hussban’s mission is to empower women through every stage of life. She is dedicated to supporting women from preconception to menopause—physically and emotionally. As a women’s health and pelvic floor physical therapist and a personal trainer specializing in women’s exercises, she brings expertise and passion to everything she does.


One word that Hussban describes herself with is: PASSION. Beyond her professional life, Hussban loves music, oil paining, and traveling and plans to see the world! She looks forward to empowering and inspiring many through POUND and is ready to ROCK!


“I’m always passionate about what I do, and I do what I’m passionate about.” 


If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?

President Anwar Alsadat (second Egyptian president)


What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?

Rejection is one of my fears so I would say applying for POUND ICON 


If you could choose your own rockstar nickname, what would it be? 



What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a trip? 

Relax in my bed with nice meal and TV show


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received? 

Be honest and true to yourself. This will help you grow and be the best version of yourself. 


If you had two hours left on earth what would you do? 

Spend it with my husband and kids 


What activity do you do that makes you feel most like yourself? 

POUND!! and dancing 


What’s the best thing that ever happened to you? 

After having my kids, is joining the ICON team 


What do you want people to say about you once you’re gone? 

That I really made a positive difference in their life


What’s one thing you’re certain of? 

Nothing is impossible. If you work hard enough, believe in what you want, you will always find a way to do things.


How do you show your love for others? 

By supporting them and being there for them 


What’s one thing you’d tell your 13-year-old self? 

Hang in there. Your dreams will become true and you will be able to be yourself.


What superpower would you most like to have? 

Reading minds 

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