A POUND ICON is a master trainer, as well as an ambassador of our brand, our beliefs, and our mission. They travel the world as an extension of POUND to elevate our united beat, one POUND Pro at a time. They are the educators, the rebels, the humble and electric. With different life and career experiences, personalities and uniqueness, they are the true representation of our BRAND. Let them inspire you, let them MOVE you.


Hussban fell in love with POUND from the very first strike in 2020, and she’s been making NOISE in Riyadh ever since—turning every class into a full-on rock concert experience! For Hussban, nothing beats the freedom to be your authentic self, make some serious noise, and connect with your inner rockstar—judgment-free and surrounded by a community united by music, movement, and inclusivity.

Ready to feel the beat and live the POUND lifestyle? Join her at the next POUND Pro training and let’s rock!

What’s one word or phrase that perfectly sums up your energy?
Electrifying, passionate

What’s the one thing you always tell your class before starting?
Are you READY FOR IT?!

What’s your go-to music genre? 

What is your first POUND memory? 
CRYING after my first POUND class in my POUND Pro training when I first felt “THIS IS ME I FOUND ME”
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