A POUND ICON is a master trainer, as well as an ambassador of our brand, our beliefs, and our mission. They travel the world as an extension of POUND to elevate our united beat, one POUND Pro at a time. They are the educators, the rebels, the humble and electric. With different life and career experiences, personalities and uniqueness, they are the true representation of our BRAND. Let them inspire you, let them MOVE you.


Kathy Moore fell in love with group fitness in 1988. She felt empowered, strong and loved making her participants feel empowered and strong, both mentally and physically. Kathy started as a personal trainer in 1986, but then felt her true inner rockstar emerge as a group fitness instructor. Flash forward a few decades later and she still feel the same way! In between corporate jobs, having children, etc. Kathy never stopped teaching. It is her passion and will be for as long as she can move. POUND was love at first strike in 2013. It combined her love of music and exercise. A match made in heaven!

When Kathy is not teaching, she loves hiking, paddle boarding, boating, snorkeling, travel and spending time with her family.

If you could live in any TV home, what would it be? 
The Waltons. I always wanted to participate in that family’s good-night ritual.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received? 
“Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. So stick a geranium in your hat and be happy”. This book helped me get through a very dark season.

What’s something you never leave home without? 
I never leave home without my water bottle!

What’s one thing you’d tell your 13-year-old self? 
The one thing I would tell my 13 yr. old self? Wear your sunscreen!

What superpower would you most like to have? 
To wave a wand and have all people all over the world love, or at least like each other. Wouldn’t that solve so many issues?

If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be? 
Abraham Lincoln. I admire his courage and compassion. One of our greatest leaders.

If you had two hours left on earth what would you do? 
I would gather all of my friends and family and have a huge dance party.

What’s the best thing that ever happened to you? 
My husband, Steve. I’m a lucky girl.

What do you want people to say about you once you’re gone? 
She was larger than life. A mover and a shaker. She lived and loved hard. She made me feel seen, heard, and loved. She unleashed my inner rockstar.

What are your 3 earliest memories in life? 
-Riding my tricycle on the porch and getting my big toe stuck in the spokes of the wheel. (I still have the scar)
-The day I got off the school bus and my mother was sitting in the living room on a chair with a beautiful house dress on and our new dog at her feet. A beautiful, white, long haired Samoyed named Puddles.
-My mother cooking frog legs in a skillet and they were still jumping. Needless to say, I did not and have never eaten frog legs. Scarred for life.

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