A POUND ICON is a master trainer, as well as an ambassador of our brand, our beliefs, and our mission. They travel the world as an extension of POUND to elevate our united beat, one POUND Pro at a time. They are the educators, the rebels, the humble and electric. With different life and career experiences, personalities and uniqueness, they are the true representation of our BRAND. Let them inspire you, let them MOVE you.


Magda, based in Italy – Sicily to be precise – was literally born into a gym! She has practiced several sports as an athlete and she has been a fitness trainer since she was 18 years old.

In 2014, she became a fitness presenter for two other fitness brands until she fell in love with POUND during FIBO in Germany. In 2016 she became a Pro and in 2017 she started her ICONic journey: she travelled around the world making noise + meeting new people with her PINK glasses and her big smile, sharing her passion and energy. It’s not hard to become her student or to participate in a one-day training experience with her, and it’s very easy to become her friend and once you are… iykyk!

What’s your favorite way to make someone feel like a rockstar in class?
I look into his/her eyes and I smile!

What’s a non-fitness skill that makes you a stronger teacher?
I’m honest

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Vacation by Dirty Heads

What is a quote that you live by?

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