A POUND ICON is a master trainer, as well as an ambassador of our brand, our beliefs, and our mission. They travel the world as an extension of POUND to elevate our united beat, one POUND Pro at a time. They are the educators, the rebels, the humble and electric. With different life and career experiences, personalities and uniqueness, they are the true representation of our BRAND. Let them inspire you, let them MOVE you.


Tari Wirtjes, based in Jakarta, Indonesia, is a vibrant POUND ICON with over a decade of experience in fitness. She has been leading the charge in building one of the largest and most passionate POUND communities globally since 2017. Known for her infectious energy and supportive teaching style, Tari creates an inclusive and empowering atmosphere in every class. Her sessions are a perfect mix of rhythm, intensity, and fun, designed to inspire confidence and connection through movement.

If you’re ready to rock, sweat, and be inspired, Tari’s training will leave you energized and ready to take on the world!

What’s your secret weapon for building confidence in your students?
Creating a safe, judgement-free space where they can explore and grow. 

What’s a non-fitness skill that makes you a stronger teacher?
Active listening – it helps me connect deeply with students.

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
If my life had a theme song, it would definitely be Burn It All Down by League of Legends and PVRIS

What is your ultimate “me time” indulgence?
It’s tough to pick just one, but my top “me time” favorites include solo movie nights and indulging in hair and body spa rituals with calming aromatherapy. Can’t go wrong with these!

What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
The most adventurous thing I’ve ever done was going on a voluntary trip with an NGO to a remote island. We helped educate villagers about water sanitation after a mega tsunami. On our return home, our boat got stranded in the middle of the sea! It was a moment of uncertainty, but we were lucky a ferry passed by and helped us out as we worked together to find a way back.
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