Here are some of the tried and true best practices to help market and promote your upcoming training to your instructors, trainers and members (some of the best POUND Pros began as students themselves!).
- POSTERS: Print and display your training flyer or poster in areas of high traffic within your facility–both for members and staff–like locker rooms, front desk, inside the studio near the stereo, in the employee break room, etc.
- STAFF MEETINGS: Meet with your instructors to introduce POUND and announce the upcoming training opportunity. POUND is a visual workout, so sharing one of our videos is a great way to do this (see list below!). Remember to mention the $40 Early Bird savings and CECs!
- IN CLASS: Whether you have opportunities for new instructors or as an opportunity for them to ROCKOUT a POUND ICON, verbally let students know that there will be a POUND Pro training coming to your studio! It’s a 1-day, 8-hr comprehensive training experience where they’ll learn everything they need to lead a safe and addictive class for all ages and abilities. No prerequisites! If you’re currently holding POUND classes or have a PRO who teaches, sneak in a 15-minute POUND quickie at the end of one of your most popular classes so your instructors and participants can experience it before the training.
- HOST A MASTER CLASS: Master classes are a great way to introduce POUND to your instructors and facility and get them excited about the training. Talk to us about the possibility of scheduling one at your facility!
- EMAIL YOUR STAFF & MEMBERS: Send an email to your instructor and trainer database and/or members announcing the training and early bird savings.
- You’ll receive an email that you can forward out from The POUND Team ([email protected]) with the subject line: Ready to share your POUND Pro Training?!
- Suggested subject line when you forward: Become a POUND Pro right here at (insert the facility name) on (insert date/time of training)!
- Don’t forget to type in your date, time and direct enrollment link in the email body before you forward out!
- POST & SHARE YOUR CUSTOM ASSETS: In ADDITION to the assets you received in your official confirmation email, the assets below contain space to add the time and date of your training.
- Suggested Copy: We’re so excited to be hosting POUND® Rockout. Workout. for a one day, 8-hour instructor training. POUND is the world’s first cardio jam session inspired by drumming! ROCKOUT WITH US and sign up today at! Register by (Insert EB Exp Date) to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD discount and save $40!
- SHARE THE FACEBOOK EVENT: POUND creates a Facebook Event to promote each training. Your Venue page will be added as a co-host and we encourage you to periodically share the event to your timeline and invite your friends and followers. Make sure your instructor or instructors that are participating join and share the event as well. We regularly add content, introduce the ICON leading the training and promote any training-specific offers that may be happening.
- Suggested Copy: POUND® Rockout. Workout.–a cardio jam session inspired by drumming–will be making NOISE right here at (Insert the name of your facility) with their one day, 8-hour POUND Pro training on (insert date & time of training)! Join me and my team for a training that looks, feels and sounds like nothing you’ve experienced before! We can’t WAIT to join the LOUDEST fitness family in the world, see you there!
- POST & SHARE POUND’S CONTENT: Are you and your facility following @poundfit on Facebook & Instagram? We are constantly posting original content as well as re-posting inspiring images and messages from our incredible worldwide community that can all be shared to raise awareness and increase interest in your upcoming training!
- SHARE OUR VIDEOS: The best way to tell someone about POUND is to SHOW them what POUND looks, feels and sounds like! These inspiring videos give a unique look into the heart of our brand and what it means to join our POUND Posse.
- Choose your OWN video from our selection on YOUTUBE
- Suggested copy when you share: Join us for an upcoming POUND Pro training that looks, feels and sounds like nothing you’ve experienced before! [Date, time, location]