3 Ingredient Banana Ice Cream

We all remember it: that feeling you got when you heard the ice cream truck’s jingle as it turned the corner onto your street when you were young. You felt the immediate ping of excitement (and panic) as you’d bolt inside your house to grab money from your piggy bank so you could get a popsicle with the rest of the neighborhood. Oh, childhood.

Although you might be playing a different role in the scenario now, that ice cream jingle still holds the same temptation and nostalgia when summer rolls around each year. But as adults, we know that those tasty treats pack a mean punch! Store bought ice cream and ice cream bars are full of high-fat cream, tons of sugar (and artificial sweeteners), and a slew of chemicals—none of which we want to put in our bodies! Here is a healthy ice cream alternative that is full of flavor without all the nasties.

3-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream


  • 1 banana, first peeled then frozen
  • 1 T dark chocolate
  • 1 T peanut butter, unsweetened and unsalted


  1. Put all your ingredients into a food processor and blend until fro-yo consistency


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