5 Things We Never Travel Without

We have traveled more air miles in the last four years than we thought we would in a lifetime. And in honor of our Master Pros flying all over the world this weekend, we thought we’d throw together our go-to travel items! We LOVE going to new places, meeting new people, and trying new things. BUT we do depend on having our staples favorite items on the plane with us when we travel! We bring these 5 items with us on EVERY trip we take — and here’s why!

1. Pillow

Get rid of that post-flight neck tweak by bringing along a really comfortable, small pillow! You’ll also thank yourself for snuggling this staple on your trip when you have a little taste of home each night when you go to sleep.

2. Go-To Items

Bring along a little something to freshen up when you arrive at your destination. For us, it’s really simple: We like to bring along some liquid B vitamins and sanitizing wipes. Sublingual B Vitamins are great to remedy jet lag and give a little boost of energy. And everyone feels better when their hands are clean, especially when traveling.

3. ZZZs on the Plane

Bring along an eye mask and a really cozy, large scarf to get comfortable on the plane! This way, when you arrive, you’re well rested and ready to go!

4. Pick Your Hat

Hats are our go-to when traveling — especially on the plane. Nobody’s hair looks great after a day of travel and hats give you a lot of comfort and a little style!

5. A Journal + Travel Knick Knacks

Whether you’re traveling for work on headed on a family vacation, bring along a pen and paper. You never know what memories you might want to record or what ideas you may have along the way. Doodling is also a great way to pass time on the plane 🙂

Also, don’t forget your passport and your luggage tag! Get one that sets your luggage apart from the rest (and one that you can pinpoint on the carousel!)
What are YOUR go-to travel items? Tell us in the comments below!


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