Eat, Love, Rock Plate

We all have a different relationship with food. Some people love food, they celebrate it, they worship it, they look forward to every meal. Others have a more love/hate relationship with food. It scares them, it intimidates them, it confuses them – and rightfully so – the amount of information out there can make your head spin. Just like most things in life, our relationships and habits stem from our upbringing. Habits and tendencies are formed from a very young age and are hard to shed as we get older. At POUND, we believe that the relationship you have with food is one of the most important relationships you can have. What we put in our body either supports us or works against us, so it’s time to fall in love with the food you eat and celebrate the experience on a daily basis.

In a world filled with fad diets, easy fixes and a whole lot of no’s, it’s easy to lose hope that you’ll ever find a system that works. We’ve been there, we promise. Five years ago, we began our journey to find balance. We researched, we read, and we fell in love with food in its most raw form — which is why we’re sharing this recipe with you today. It’s food at its finest, it’s simple, but it damn well should it be celebrated! It also includes one of the healthiest vegetables in the world: asparagus!!

Asparagus is a nutrient dense powerhouse of a vegetable. It’s detoxifying, packed with antioxidants, and fuels brain power. We took those deep green spears and let them dance on a plate with protein packed soft-boiled eggs, vitamin-rich tomatoes, and omega-3 filled smoked salmon with a drizzle of olive oil.

Eat Pray Love Plate -- the simplest foods to appreciate the simplest moments.

Eat Pray Love Plate

  • Handful of asparagus, blanched*
  • 2 soft boiled eggs*
  • Handful of small tomatoes, halved
  • 2 pieces of smoked salmon
  • Drizzle of olive oil
  • S+P

*How to blanch asparagus:

Bring a few cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Once the water begins rolling, boil your asparagus for 2-3 minutes maximum, then remove and immediately put in ice water to stop cooking.

*How to soft-boil an egg:

Bring water to a boil in a medium size pot. Once rolling, submerge eggs. Boil for 4-6 minutes maximum, then remove and immediately put in ice water to stop cooking.

Eat Pray Love Plate -- the simplest foods to appreciate the simplest moments.

Eat Pray Love Plate -- the simplest foods to appreciate the simplest moments.

Whip up this recipe any time of the day. Sit outside, slow down time and take a few minutes to savor every single bite. Look around you and listen to nature — don’t look at your phone or listen to music. TRY to resist snapping a posting a picture of how beautiful your plate looks (although, you know we’d LOVE to see it!).

Just like the food on your plate, take a moment to enjoy the simple moments that make you appreciate life just a little more than before.


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