Q+A with Michelle Opperman

 1. My favorite season is:


2. This is my coffee order:

Iced Green Tea  =)

3. If I could only eat ONE food for the rest of my life, it would be:

Coconut Oil Popcorn

4. Three words that people use to describe my class are:

High Energy + FUN

5. The best advice I ever received was…

Never stop learning!

6. 3 songs I can’t stop listening to…

Give It To The Moment
Bury Me

7. My Spirit Animal is a:


8. My personal rule is:

to always listen to my instincts!

9. I’m currently reading…

The Power of Awareness

10. I’m app-sessed with:


11. After teaching, I wind down with:

Essential Oils!


12. Favorite city and a must-do there:

Love visiting NYC and hanging with my BFF!

13. If you were giving someone a guide to a day in SF, what would you suggest?

Go to Lands End. View of the Ocean, Sutro Baths, Golden Gate Bridge, and Amazing Nature. XOXO

14. If I could go to dinner with one person, dead or alive…

I’d choose Abraham Hicks!

15. The POUND community is…


16. My life mantra is…

Clarity is POWER.

17. Things you can always find in my gym bag:

The Perfect Bar and whatever book I am reading!

18. Best POUND memory:

So many!! Some of my best memories are seeing the faces of new students while POUNDING. Love how much people love POUND!

POUND Pro Training

19. How many trainings do you think you’ve done?

Wild guess. 40???

20. Most inspiring story from the road:

I had an amazing girl in a training loose her parents to a horrible accident a few months before the training. The POUND training was one of her first times out doing anything. POUND helped her move forward during a really challenging time. Her story brought tears to my eyes. So awesome what POUND brings to peoples lives.


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