12 Days of POUND 2020

It’s the time of year we’ve all been waiting for…. 

the end of 2020!! JUST KIDDING. 

 It’s our annual 12 DAYS OF POUND® social challenge and giveaway! It’s time to let off some steam, have some FUN, and rebelliously-and JOYfully–shake things up. So get excited for 12 Days of tuning into your body’s needs, reigniting your spirit, and spreading some flippin’ JOY. In the spirit of “Doing It Different”, this holiday season we’re gifting you not 1, not 2, not 3, but 12 interval workouts, 12 days of giveaways from amazing partners such as CocoKind and Zildjian, discounts to the whole community, a celebratory virtual master class and more! 

From December 1st – 12th we challenge you to: 


1-minute, 5-minutes, 10-minutes, whatever you can manage. Let go of the pressure that comes with the word “workout”. Instead, try telling yourself “just move”. Baby steps are what will get you to your goals. Check out our IGTV each morning for a new 1-minute interval workout that you can repeat as many times as you’d like, take a virtual class with your local Posse, go Backstage, or simply go for a walk! The choice is yours! 


Free yourself from your worries by letting go and having FUN! Allow yourself to be silly, do something you’ve always wanted to do, get creative, and reinspired. Whatever it is that puts a smile on your face, do it. 


We all could use some holiday cheer. Make some joyful noise within your community and beyond by taking time to think of others. What can you do to make someone’s day? Text an old friend with a song that makes you think of them or turn up the music and challenge your family to a dance-off. Get creative!


Let us give YOU something to look forward to each day! Check-in on socials for the opportunity to win a prize from one of our amazing partners, every day for 12 Days! To enter, you must complete the challenge of the day outlined in our caption.




6 Responses

  1. Hi Rockstars and Rockstars-in-the making!
    I just signed up for Pound and Generation Pro training for January 16017 2021.
    Is this where I sign up for the 12 Days Challenge?

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