Born To Rebel


POUND was born out of a rebellious spirit. We’ve always believed in Doing It Different—fitting into a box was never the goal. And like any purpose-driven company, we were sparked from a problem we saw seeping from the gym environment. 

In a world where experiences can be intimidating and exclusive, profit is often prioritized before people and calorie counting, “problem areas” and before + after pictures are the standard, POUND believed the fitness industry could do better. 

Starting this journey as a company was, to say the least,
a rebellious act. 

It shouldn’t be about the rules, approvals, and standards society places on us. It shouldn’t drain your soul.

We believe fitness is a journey, a form of self-expression. We believe that self-improvement should come from within. We believe that fitness should be used to change minds before bodies, and that beat and alternative movement can launch people to new heights of self-worth, happiness, and human connection. 

What if, instead of sinking into a society that perpetually tries to separate us, we do everything to create the glue that puts us all back together?

Fitness Rebels, it’s time to change the story. We’ve started it together, but we are far from finished. It’s time to lean into your fears, kick down society’s perception of perfect, stand out, TAKE UP SPACE and make your OWN rules.

Because sometimes the most rebellious thing you can do,
is be yourself. 

– Kirsten Potenza & POUND HQ




2 Responses

  1. Oh the WORLD needs this so badly…. I feel everyone needs to stop and find their inner REBEL… stop and find themselves again…
    So many people have lost themselves in this crazy world… and I really believe POUND is the answer….
    We are changing lives…. ONE CLASS AT A TIME!!!

    Love love love this!!!!

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