Fall “Cure All” Smoothies

We live in a world where the medicine cabinet is our go-to at the first sign of sickness. What you might not realize is that the cure may already be in your kitchen!

Here are four smoothies that will target fall’s infamous symptoms. You know them all too well: Stress, energy, dehydration and sickness. We have a cure for all four:

  1. Load up on our seratonin-boosting Carrot Top smoothie to relieve stress on your most insane days.
  2. Had a little too much wine last night? Too many hours on a plane? Soak up our hydrating Mango Tango smoothie and feel immediate gratifi-hydration.
  3. Throat feeling funny? Got the sniffles? Blend up our I Wanna Get Better smoothie and let its detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients work their magic.
  4. 3PM Slump? Our Got-A-Lotta Energy smoothie has your back. Each ingredient hands over instant energy and a metabolism boost to match.



Had a little too much wine last night? Too many hours on a plane? Soak up our hydrating Mango Tango smoothie and feel immediate gratifi-hydration.

Throat feeling funny? Got the sniffles? Blend up our I wanna get better smoothie up and let its detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients do their magic.

3 PM Slump? Not you! Our Got a lotta Energy smoothie has your back. Each ingredient hands over instant energy and a metabolism boost to match.



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