Little Leprechaun Smoothie

There are some pretty awesome things that just happen to be green: lucky four-leaf clovers, palm trees, Kermit the Frog, kale, Ripstix, and… green beer on St. Patty’s Day! If you were a cheeky little leprechaun last night and woke up feeling less than lucky this morning, we have a good ol’ cup-o-green that will turn that “I’m so hungover” into a “HANG ON… I’m headed to POUND class!”

Before we get down to business and fix your throbbing head (which is probably aching just from reading this), we’ll tell you a little bit about the anatomy of a hangover. It’s not as mysterious as you think, and is pretty much just your body’s response to being dehydrated, inflamed, and weak.

Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it sends you to the bathroom more than usual. It also takes up a lot of space in your stomach, making you less likely to drink water. That lovely combo leads to the next-day dizziness, swelling, and of course, a headache. Your cells need water to function properly, guys!

To fight dehydration, replenish lost minerals and soothe inflammation, we’ve concocted a super-smoothie with all the fixin’s you need to feel better, FAST.

Too many shenanigans last night? Here's a hangover smoothie that'll make you click your heels ;)

Little Leprechaun Smoothie

1 heaping C frozen pineapple chunks (or fresh, if desired)
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 C coconut water
1/4 C packed fresh parsley
1/2 avocado
2 heaping teaspoons freshly grated ginger
Juice of half a lemon

Directions: Toss all ingredients in your blender, put on the lid, and blend until smooth. Chug it.

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See? It’s so easy, a hungover person can do it 😉 So, how exactly does this smoothie to kick St. Patty right back over the rainbow where he belongs? Here’s how our special smoothie ingredients fight back:

  • Bananas: rich in potassium, which helps balance electrolytes and improve sleep.
    *Not-so-fun fact: Alcohol interrupts sleep cycles, making it easy to fall asleep (aka “pass out”) but not easy to stay asleep. We have a badass banana remedy for that, too.)
  • Pineapple: packed with Bromelin, an anti-inflammatory enzyme which helps heal swelling and internal irritation caused by pounding too many drinks.
  • Coconut: Nature’s Gatorade…but actually good for you. The perfectly balanced drink to replenish depleted vitamins and minerals.
  • Parsley: helps diminish bad breath and water retention. (C’mon. That post-drinking breath is some next level stuff, are we right?)
  • Avocado: contains hearty, healthy fats to help stabilize the blood sugar. The post-drinking blood sugar drop is what makes you feel so hungry and sluggish.
  • Lemon: revs metabolism and speeds the elimination of toxins. (Alcohol is a toxin!)
  • Ginger: soothes the stomach, which is awesome considering alcohol irritates the stomach lining and causes a pause in digestive processes.

Hangover Cure

Don’t forget to share your feedback (or your hangover woes) with us in the comments section below!


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