Here’s to a New Decade of Making Noise

A Letter from Founder + CEO, Kirsten PotenzaAs a community, we are entering not only a new year, but a brand new decade. For many, the last few days have been spent reflecting, thinking about the journey that the last 10 years have taken us on and exploring new ways to move forward into the future.

For me personally, it’s been the most transformative decade of my life. But the reality of having so much more to do, and so much more to grow, has set in, big time. And that, to me, is really exciting. 

We’ve been on this POUND journey for almost an entire decade, and when I look back, there is one constant in my mind: Community.

Malcom Gladwell says that “The values of the world we inhabit and the people we surround ourselves with have a profound effect on who we are.” 

I have felt this truth and for that I am eternally grateful. I truly believe that we all make each other, and the world, better. 

But today I’m asking you to take what we do a step further. Because I know the magic that this community can create and the inevitable ripple effects that will happen when we commit to being good, doing good and staying true to our rebel spirits. 

So here’s my ask:

Make eye contact and smile more. Lean into your Fears. Quiet the negative. Love your body. Move your body, any way you want to. Say Thank you. Tip your server. Clean up after yourself. Be Raw. Be Open. Kick down the doors of society’s perception of perfect. Don’t let the past ruin your perception of the present. Turn your Music Up. Take up space. Be Real. Like REALLY Real. Remind yourself of who you were before the world got its hands on you. Have the confidence to return to yourself. Know that no one’s life-or body- is perfect, even if it looks like it. Know that there aren’t any ups without the downs. Know that everyone is dealing with their own shit. Know that being different is your super power. Try to really SEE people. Don’t take love for granted. Don’t take Life for granted. Hold the door for the person behind you. Give back. Hug more. Fight Less. Give more. Waste Less. Listen. Really Listen. 

Honor the past, but do it different. 

Cheers, to the most epic decade yet.

Love Always,




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