Introducing PRO STORIES: Rebels with a Cause

Over the course of the last few years it’s been incredible to watch our community grow–as humans, in class, and in life.

As a company, we recognize that we have a big responsibility–to promote people, to put value in human connection, to support and love our differences, and to build each other up no matter what hardships are in the way.

At the forefront of our brand are our PROS. And just like POUND, they have a way of bringing out the courage that lives within each of us.

We have found that the WHY within our Pro community almost always revolves around improving lives and transforming souls.

Their WHY is what drives us. Their stories inspire us.

We are SO proud to introduce Pro Stories: Rebels with a Cause, a video series about the power of POUND, the why that lives inside our community and the fitness REBELS who make our world a better place. Featuring inspirational interviews that take an intimate look into the lives, classes and communities of POUND® Pros who #makenoise around the world.

Episode 1: Allyson Ashley

Have a story to share or want to shout out a ROCKSTAR Pro? Tag us on socials with hashtags #poundfit #rebelswithacause

Do you want to submit your story or nominate someone to be featured? Email us at [email protected]



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