Launch a Virtual Fitness Career with 5 Simple Steps!

In just 5 simple steps we’ll show you just how easy it is to start your virtual fitness career with POUND from the comfort of your own home! 

  1. Find a training that best fits YOUR schedule.
    Choose from our 1 or 2-day Virtual POUND Pro Training options offered in a variety of time zones, languages, and days of the week to best fit your needs! (No prerequisites, do it from home!)

  2. Complete training and become a Pro.
    Spend the day (or two) with one of our master trainers and learn everything you need to lead both live & virtual POUND classes, the science behind ‘why’ the format works, and how to sculpt a safe, effective and addictive class for ALL ages and stages.

  3. Practice your performance.
    After you’ve completed training you’ll be signed to our instructor platform, The Label. Here you’ll gain immediate access to over 150 tracks of choreography, continuing education, a complete HOW-TO launch Virtual Classes Kit, marketing materials + more for you to build your classes, practice your setlists, and advance your skills as a Pro!

  4. Set your stage.
    Set up a Zoom account and get creative by making a space that’s fun, free of distractions, and allows you to move during class! Not good with technology? We’ve got you covered in this blog on “How to Set Up your Virtual Studio”.

  5. Gather your Rockstars.
    Use The Label to list your new virtual schedule on’s Class Search to get your classes in front of a global audience, download marketing materials to blast on socials, start new social pages, reach out and invite your friends to ROCK with you in your first class! Best thing about Virtual Classes? The entire world is your oyster and an opportunity to grow your community.



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