POUND for PINK this Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month—this is an annual campaign that informs people about breast cancer risks, the value of screening and early detection, and treatment options available to women and men who are diagnosed. More than a million women are diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide every single year, and each must find a way to heal from the physical and emotional scars that breast cancer brings.

Currently, there are no effective breast cancer screening tools for women 40 and younger, most of whom have dense breast tissue that make it difficult for mammograms. This year, we are partnering with Young Survival Coalition (YSC) and Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF). We’ll contribute to the research and resources that can help pave the way to better prevention practices for us all and better treatments for survivors. (Keep an eye out for details on how to support these organizations!)

All month long, POUND® posse’s will be organizing POUND® for Pink events to raise awareness and funds for various organizations. If you want to get involved, there are a lot of ways to do so. Throughout October, there are 5Ks, walks, bike rides, dance parties and marathons that raise money for breast cancer awareness, free testing and early detection. 

Because we believe fitness is a huge part of both mental and physical health, and can play a big role in a breast cancer survivor’s journey, these events hold a special place in our hearts. We love seeing so many families, friends and coworkers come together to partake in these events or cheer on their friends from the sidelines. Even if you haven’t been affected personally, most of us have a mother, sister, friend or grandmother that has had a scare at one point in their lives.  

To take part in some of the awesome breast cancer events that our global POUND® Pro communities are organizing, simply take to socials and search for the hashtags #POUNDforPink and #PreventionRocks to find or organize a donation event near you! 

If you’re looking for other fitness events or charities to get involved with, we’ve included a handful of our favorites below.  


Here is a website with links to charities for breast cancer medical services, research, support services, and education and public awareness. 

Don’t forget to share your stories and all that you do with us throughout the month!







3 Responses

  1. My name is Chris Pattee, I am the owner of Columbus Ace Hardware in Columbus, MT. I recently made a donation to Pound the Pink and I need to get in touch with the person that I gave the donation to. Can you tell me the name of the group from this town that may be affiliated with you? Is there a way for me to find out?
    Thank you!

  2. Touch yourself and search any risk … and if you found it, don’t have panic … actually many treatments can help you to stay alive and be a survivor of this disease!.

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