PRO STORIES: Allyson Ashley

A single mother of three on the verge of losing her sense of self and personal well-being, Allyson’s story of rediscovery began with a search for something new. Today, she uses POUND to spread positivity throughout her community, while leading her life—and her classes—with vulnerability, rawness and a strength that inspires all that surround her. Here is Allyson’s story.A driven mother, Allyson’s world often revolved around her children. At the age of 21 she welcomed two beautiful twins into the world, Isabelle and Lucas (now 13 years old). Shortly into their lives she discovered they were both developmentally delayed and later learned they were on the Autism spectrum. A few years later she welcomed another son, Caden, who is now 9 years old.

Being the selfless and determined mother that she is, Allyson often spent her days juggling school events, extracurricular activities and games. She did what any mother would do—she gave herself to her children, so they could enjoy the life she worked so hard to build for them. But with motherhood comes individual challenges and a certain loss of self-identification and self-care. She hit a roadblock when she realized that the once healthy, balanced and athletic version of herself was missing.

After scrolling through Facebook one night, Allyson came across a video ad for POUND. She couldn’t Google it fast enough. Soon after, she walked into a dimly lit room with disco lights shooting in every direction, and as the first beat dropped she knew she was hooked. Allyson felt “free and proud, while also feeling like a part of something bigger.” It was in that moment that she realized she found her ‘thing’ and she needed to share it with the world.

Her first class was co-taught by two local POUND Pros who are now two of her favorite people.

Today, she leads her classes with heart, power and consistency. Her willingness to show up to class as herself—vulnerable, real and strong—allows her students to do the same. She leads by example and in turn, inspires her community to reach higher, dig deeper and become the best versions of themselves.

Through POUND, Allyson rediscovered herself. “I have learned, or rediscovered, that I am my own person. I’m not defined by my children or my job or the people who I can never seem to impress. I am starting to be the best version of me. I’m learning how to have healthy boundaries with people and how to be genuinely happy with just who I am. I used to get out of bed in the morning for my kids and to keep their worlds turning. Now, I get out of bed for all of us!”

Allyson has made it her mission to share those positive feelings and self-expression with others in her community. Outside of her regular classes, she has introduced POUND to local schools, parents of special needs children and the Special Olympics.

Through the windy roads of life, Allyson’s love, patience and strength have shaped her into the badass woman she is today. It’s clear that Allyson is a beacon of light in her community and Minnesota is lucky to have her.

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