Tips & Tricks to Maintain a Healthy State of Mind

Have you ever experienced a rough day, and then headed to your evening POUND class and felt your stress melt away as you rocked out with your friends and got lost in the music? We know we have. Taking care of our mental states and nourishing our minds is important to us here at POUND. It’s one of our core pillars (come on, Inner Rockstar!), and this week on the blog we’re sharing even more ways to keep a healthy state of mind.

We reached out to some of our POUND ICONs and members of Tour Crew to collect #MINDFUL tips and tricks to share with you.

“Every morning, for over a year now, I do a little gratitude practice right when I wake up. I tell myself three things I am deeply grateful for, three things I am excited to do or create that day, and then I get myself excited for one surprise that is going to happen to me that day. It gets me in that curious state of mind that’s open to infinite possibilities.”
– Pia Thiemann, ICON

“Every single morning, I tell myself 5 things I’m thankful for. Sometimes I write them down, but other times I just say them to myself while I brush my teeth or walk to the subway, then I remind myself throughout the day when challenges pop up. I’ll pause and say “I am so thankful to be alive,” and let go of whatever is putting a kink in my day.”
-Kimmi Stephan, Tour Crew

“I’m a busy mom of two, and I prefer LOUD (aka POUND) so meditation has never been an easy task for me. To make it a priority, I schedule it in by setting my alarm for 40 minutes before my kids get up. I enjoy the headspace app, and when I miss it in the morning, I meditate while taking a hot epsom salt and essential oil bath in the evening. I always have a nice stack of personal development books as well—Miracle Morning is one of my all time favorites.”
– Hollie Palmieri, ICON

“My favorite way to keep a sound mind in the midst of life’s craziness is to get outside with my Labrador, Archie! I really think we can all take something away from the happy and carefree spirit of our pups!”
– Caia Decker, Tour Crew

“Setting goals and making yourself a priority is a major factor in our day to day journey of self-love. One of my students once told me that the way she felt good was to do her hair every day! She would come to class with french braids, ponys, cool buns, you name it. She says it makes her feel awesome and confident when she’s in mom mode and lugging around three little kids! ”
– Kim Cooper, Tour Crew

“I subscribe to “Darren Daily” and listen to his personal development lessons while I have my morning coffee, I also listen to an app called 10% Happier and choose from a large variety of guided meditations. I also keep an ‘I’m grateful for’ jar where we invite our clients to throw something they’re grateful for in every time they take class. It’s awesome to see it fill up with gratitude.”
– Amy “C-Rad” Chang Radosevich, ICON

“One thing that I do to give back to my mind is take time out of my week to go on a drive and listen to empowering podcasts! Ever since I have started this, it has given me the time to clear my mind but also has inspired to be my best self because of the inspiring words in the podcasts that I listen to!”
– Mattie Hargas, Tour Crew

“I used to check my phone first thing in the morning, but I’ve learned to prioritize myself with a very special routine: 20 minutes of moving meditation followed by my super delicious flavored decaf coffee (decaf is just as delicious as regular coffee without the jitters) and a nourished breakfast that will keep me satisfied until lunch-time so I can have the energy to take on my day without compromising my health.”
– Clare Kite, Tour Crew

“At the start of every class, I share my “POUND mantra“ – “This class is meant to be stress relieving, NOT stress inducing!” This saying kind of developed over time as I noticed new rockstars feeling nervous and intimidated. It’s amazing how I see new people relax after these words are spoken. Something so simple has seemed to really give them the permission to rock at any level.”
– Lauren Cash, Tour Crew

“I’m always on the go, so once a month I try to slow down and treat myself to a facial or massage. Its an hour to myself, to be present and thankful for all my body does for me and all it gets me through.”
– Melissa Albers, ICON

“I, like many others, get nervous, doubt myself and overthink situations, which can have a negative impact on my mental health if I allow it. To combat this and bring my best self in and out of class, I remind myself that it is normal to feel this way, I’m human, and that I get anxious because I care so much, which is a good thing, it shows I’m compassionate and thoughtful. So I stand up to the negative comments in my head with affirmations like ‘I’ve got this’ ‘Comparing won’t help me or them’ ‘I’m enough as I am’ ‘I’m doing this for a reason’ (swapping ‘I’m nervous’ with ‘I’m excited’) and talking to myself as a friend instead of an enemy.”
– Bethan Ashton, ICON

“For the past 6 years I’ve been part of a movement and charity called ‘El Trotamundos’ (Spanish for Globetrotter). Nothing inspires me most than being able to give to those in need. I’m humbled by this experience every time we get to meet new children. To witness their honest expression of love with hugs and smiling faces keeps my mind and inner spirit healthier each day. Children come into this world not asking for anything, all they ask and long for is love, understanding and joy.”
– Yesenia Marrero, ICON

“Aside from POUND, I talk to myself, because sometimes I need an advice from someone smart (just kidding). Talking to myself helps me understand my feelings better. I also talk to my parents’ dog—she listens carefully, never judges me and never says, “I told you”
– Aneta Osuch, ICON



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