Here Comes the Sun Smoothie

Ditch your morning coffee habit and get your caffeine boost in a new way! Give this green tea smoothie a shot. The pear’s nutrient-rich skin and the green tea’s natural stimulants will give you the energy boost you need to start your day off right!

Here Comes The Sun Smoothie


  • 3/4 C strong green tea, chilled
  • small pinch of cayenne pepper
  • juice of 1 lemon (3T)
  • 2 t honey or stevia
  • 1 small pear, cut into pieces
  • 2-3 T Greek yogurt
  • 6-8 ice cubes


  1. Steep green tea in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then set aside.
  2. Once cooled, combine all ingredients in a blender or magic bullet to mix until smooth.

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Ditch your morning coffee routine and give this new Here Comes The Sun Smoothie a try!

When you whip up this smoothie, grab a cute glass and snap a picture. Share it with us on socials and tag #poundtour #balancedeats!


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