What To Expect and How To Prepare for Your Virtual Generation POUND® Pro Training

Hey future Generation POUND Pro,

We are stoked to have you join us at an upcoming virtual Generation POUND Pro Training and hope you’re ready to rock, learn, connect, and inspire!


    • Learn the story behind Generation POUND and its vision for combining movement and music to change the concept of health and fitness for youth

    • Discover the inner workings of Generation POUND’s structure and how it benefits the mind, body and self-concept of today’s youth

    • Engage in discussion about how youth instruction is different from adults. Learn how Generation POUND Pros help keep youth safe while encouraging participation, socialization, creativity and more!

    • Combine the components of the Generation POUND Formula and learn how to create a highly customizable, safe, effective and massively fun fitness experience for youth

    • Through rehearsal and experimentation, learn the basic structure of choreography and techniques in each of Generation POUND’s positions

    • Gain experience leading and participating in Generation POUND Activities

    • Discover what’s new in The Label, our online instructor network, for Generation POUND Pros


    • Test your internet connection

    • Find a place to rest your computer/tablet/device so that you can:

      • See your ICON and they can see YOU, both standing, seated and lying supine (on your back)

      • Plug into a power outlet 


    • A safe space to move in, at least 5′ x 7′ or more 

    • Ripstix and a mat 

    • Notebook and a pencil/pen

    • Water and snacks

    • A towel 

    • Layers to keep your warm during lectures.

    • Note: It’s recommended that you NOT wear your wedding band or sentimental rings during training. 

What we (and other POUND Pros) recommend to prepare you for your upcoming training: 

    1. Connect with other Generation POUND Pros and ask them about their experiences teaching. We all have so much that we can learn from each other and together we are better than we could ever be apart! 

    2. Get active on socials.  More than just a like or follow, we invite to get closer to our online Generation POUND community and see first hand the power of the program and the positive ripple effects it creates across the globe. We think you’ll be inspired by others just like you! Follow @poundfit and check out the hashtags #generationpound #hereforthenext #futurerockstars

    3. Research and explore a youth-specific fitness certification. While it’s not a prerequisite, there is tremendous value in learning about the exercise science and behavior change as it pertains to youth.  The Generation POUND Pro training is accredited by world’s leading fitness organizations including ACE, AFAA, NASM and canfitpro. 

    4. Get a good night’s rest.


The morning of…

    1. Eat breakfast. You’ll need fuel and your mind and body will thank you later. 

    2. Allow yourself enough time to get set in your space and join the webinar early. Your request to join the training’s webinar will need to be approved. You will receive an email once your request is approved. 

    3. Set your intention. Take a moment, honor your decision to show up, and set your intention for the day.

    4. Bring an open mind, heart, and readiness to ROCK and we’ll handle the rest.


We hope you find these recommendations inspiring and informative as you prepare for your training day. 

We can’t wait to MAKE NOISE with you!



4 Responses

    1. Hi Dahlia 🙂
      The thing i can always recommend is to listen the music! There are some songs that are already mixed for aerobics and they have better beats (you can hear it easier). Listen and count. Try to ask fellow instructor that is near you to listen and count with you, first out loud and than just to check you. 🙂 if you need any other tips my insta is @adela_fitness_instructor 😉

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