Hey future POUND Pro,

We are stoked to have you join us at an upcoming virtual POUND Pro Training and hope you’re ready to rock, learn, connect, and have a blast!


    • Learn the history of POUND and its mission to change minds before bodies
    • Discover how POUND benefits the mind and body while unleashing the rockstar within each of your participants
    • Dive deep into the four components of the POUND Formula and how it’s used to lead a safe and addictive class for participants of any age, level or ability
    • Learn visual and verbal cueing and practice reading POUND’s written choreography, Sheet Music
    • Break down 6 tracks of choreography in each of the four POUND Positions, developing an understanding of POUND techniques
    • Discover and get signed to The Label, an online resource with everything you need to be a successful Pro  – songs and choreography, technique library, marketing and promotional materials, blogs and vlogs to continue learning, Pro Perks, and more 
    • Run choreography and round out the day, pulling it all together and applying what you’ve learned
    • Leave with new friendships and an ignited passion for what you love!


    • Test your internet connection
    • Find a place to rest your computer/tablet/device so that you can:
      • See your ICON and they can see YOU, both standing, seated and lying supine (on your back)
      • Plug into a power outlet 


    • A safe space to move in, at least 5′ x 7′ or more 
    • Ripstix and a mat (if your Ripstix haven’t arrived yet, no worries! You can participate without them)
    • Notebook and a pencil/pen
    • Water and snacks
    • A towel 
    • Layers to keep your warm during lectures
    • Note: It’s recommended that you NOT wear your wedding band or sentimental rings during training. 

What we (and other POUND Pros) recommend to prepare you for your upcoming training: 

    1. Attend a Pro’s virtual POUND class, if possible. You can find virtual classes at poundfit.com.  Be sure to introduce yourself to the POUND Pro leading the class and let them know you will be attending training in the near future – we’re sure they’ll be eager to share their training day story!
    2. Get active on socials.  More than just a like or follow, we invite to get closer to our online community, our POUND Posse, and see first hand the power of POUND and the positive ripple effects it creates across the globe. We think you’ll be inspired by others just like you! Follow @poundfit and check out the hashtags #poundpro #poundfit #rockoutworkout 
    3. Research and explore a group fitness certification. While it’s not a prerequisite, there is tremendous value in learning about the body, movement, and exercise science.  The POUND Pro Training is accredited by world’s leading fitness organizations including ACE, AFAA, NASM, canfitpro, BCRPA, REPS, and Fitness Australia. POUND Pros also receive special discounts with these educational partners.
    4. M&M’s: Not the candy (although we like these too!) but Musicality & Mirroring.
      • Musicality: Music is the driving force of the POUND workout and class experience. Understanding beat and rhythm are key components of POUND Pro training. Practice how to find and count the 8-count in music with this video.
      • Mirroring: We face our students when we teach through a concept called mirroring. Using the mirror image instruction style, Pros are the audience and our students the rockstars in their own fitness concert. When we face our students we feel bonded and connected, which helps participants to push further and go harder in class. When we engage in direct eye contact, we can share a smile, connect and encourage. And, as it is needed, we are able to correct quickly and directly cue to corrections in form. It can be helpful to practice getting comfortable with your back to the mirror and moving to the left side first (as will be teaching to your class’ right side first).
    5. Connect with us on Spotify by following our page – POUND HQ. This will help you familiarize yourself with some of the amazing music used in a POUND and to rock out to as well
    6. Get a good night’s sleep.

The morning of…

    1. Eat breakfast. You’ll need fuel and your mind and body will thank you later. 
    2. Allow yourself enough time to get set in your space and join the webinar early. Your request to join the training’s webinar will need to be approved. You will receive an email once your request is approved. 
    3. Set your intention. Take a moment, honor your decision to show up, and set your intention for the day.
    4. Bring an open mind, heart, and readiness to ROCK and we’ll handle the rest.

We hope you find these recommendations inspiring and informative as you prepare for your training. 

We can’t wait to MAKE NOISE with you!



26 Responses

  1. I am Super excited for this. Been doing pound at my local gym for a year and have been trying to decide if I can do this for 6 months. Goodbye 2020 Hello 2021! Let’s get it!

  2. I am very excited to being a part of the Pound family and sharing all knowledge and the experience of these two amazing training days with my ladies💚 Looking forward too to meeting all of you🌺

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